Editor’s foreword

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Beyond the mind foreword

“The following work does not pretend to teach or instruct the reader in any form. It seeks to introduce him to a freer mode of thinking, which could lead further into the understanding of the universe of conscious thought.” BdM


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We will explore every frontier we can find, and we will return with more questions and less answers. And history will repeat itself still again before we finally discover where we must go to progress, to expose the mysteries, to put an end to eternal repetition, and to finally evolve out of our precarious, experimental, barely fruitful existence.

There are the few in every generation that stumble onto it, tap into it knowingly or not, come back ticketed genius or insane, leaving behind a few crumbs of knowledge, after a partial glimpse of a light world seemingly unattainable, since it is not in the interests of the involutionary forces of life on this planet to give man access to his real identity, his freedom, his immortality.

In this brief introduction to evolutionary psychology, Bernard de Montreal shows us that this last frontier lies beyond the mind, is man’s source, his life-line, his creative pulse. Each man has access to all his answers, through the corridor of his own mind, which benefits his self, and the evolution of his ego in the material world.

The author, by conscious channeling, describes this creative process, a totally individualized one, unique in the details of its discovery, yet universal in its principle. He is also advertent of the forces of life that are in fact anti-man and that lead him towards death, until he becomes aware of and begins to integrate the forces of intelligence working through his own mind, his last frontier.

BEYOND THE MIND is the introduction to a long and arduous journey; it is very difficult to discover one’s own mind, and even more so to discover what lies beyond it; but the ground only breaks once, and there is no return from self-discovery, there is no loss after self knowledge, and there is no fear once ignorance has been destroyed.

Ibis Publishing, Montreal. February fourteenth, Nineteen hundred ninety-eight.

Preface of the author.

The following work does not pretend to teach or instruct the reader in any form. It seeks to introduce him to a freer mode of thinking, which could lead further into the understanding of the universe of conscious thought.

Thought, as a pure energy carrier, has the property to unravel the mysteries of consciousness if unburdened by subjectivity. It is a powerful vehicule of creative knowledge when allowed to penetrate the mind without the obstruction of self-serving truths.

In its ascendent form, it threatens the comfortable image we seek of ourselves and the universe, and compels us to look further into the meaning of things.

Unless it is supported in its creative dynamics by an inner strength that can sustain its free movement, it remains essentially mechanical and void of deeper meaning; it cannot and will not convey a greater scope than the one we wish to live by for subjective and cultured reasons.

Signed, Bernard de Montreal.

Update on 2024/07/24

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