Higher intelligence

credit: @hubblespacetelescope @NASAGoddard

Beyond the mind chapter 2

« As supramental insight develops, the mind becomes a permanent and instantaneous interfacing process with objective intelligence, identifiable with the higher principle of self… [the latter] adjusts the thought flow from the supramental to the lower mental planes, down through the mind tunnel that connects interdimensional intelligence to the human psychic apparatus underlying the electromagnetic activity of the physical brain. » BdM


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Conscious notice of supramental intelligence activity increases when pre-personal cognition takes place. This is when the cosmic principle and its connection via the mind channel comes to egoic life. While this fact cannot be comprehended intellectually, it becomes psychically evident when the mind opens to the previously unconscious self.

The mysteries are absolutely unfathomable without access to precognitive levels of intelligence through this psychic connection. The mind is a communications network that develops through the evolution of the biological, astral, and etheric bodies that delimit human consciousness within a more or less unified reality. It is within the magnitude of its nature to imprint lines of force upon those evolving bodies to set up conditions of development suitable to the different stages of life evolution through timeless cycles.

Were it not for pre-personal mind energy, being-reality and its evolution towards full consciousness would be impossible. Inter-dimensional intelligence must be accessible to us if we are to understand the origins of thought. To fathom the nature of consciousness, intelligence must not only be experienced psychologically but also psychically, that is, beyond our subjective intellectual and memorial make-up.

We must arrive at objective communication with pre-personal levels of the mind, from whose creative center unconditioned thoughts carry within their wake a trans-historical overview. Subjective frames of reference are expanded to increase awareness as they catapult consciousness along a path of revealing supermental knowledge.

As supramental insight develops, the mind becomes a permanent and instantaneous interfacing process with objective intelligence, identifiable with the higher principle of self. The latter is inner presence unites with the ego, revealing the source from which thoughts emerge. It adjusts the thought flow from the supramental to the lower mental planes, down through the mind tunnel that connects interdimensional intelligence to the human psychic apparatus underlying the electromagnetic activity of the physical brain.

Inner development and communication gradually create a distance from the premises of institutionalized knowledge, and the mind begins to move previously inaccessible information, signaling the dawn of individualized supramental evolution. The following psychic transformation clears the way for new and unreflected thought forms that carry data so fundamental as to alter the basic assumptions of reality. As inner awareness increases, the pre-personal nature of the mind becomes a self-evident driving force.

The thought engineering power behind the screen of human intellect or mechanical intelligence is freed from the shackles of subjective opinions as the mind makes available a transformational and revolutionary source of information through its connection with the brain. The mind is seen as the source of personal ideas when in fact it is the subliminal expression of unconscious and personally coded telepathic messages whose origins are either astral and subjective, or mental and creative, neither of which has yet been identified through normative psychological approaches.

As consciousness becomes more individualized and its fundamental creative principle is activated by a freer thought process, a more advanced evolutionary experience takes place through the development of psychic awareness. From that point on, evolution under the assumption that thought is purely and simply a personal phenomena is no longer possible.

Evolutionary mind-constructs begin permeating the mental fabric, bringing about the realization that thoughts are the result of subtle communication between interdimensional levels of intelligence activity. As the opened mind channels its creative energy to the psyche, profound and unsettling inner thought transforms the whole being.

This new development of trans-historical consciousness no longer depends on the premises of rational knowledge. Free thought in an absolute and objective sense is close at hand. As the mind expands, the rigid and naive mental attitudes of the past break down under the impact of thoughts that defy egocentric opinions.

Because of self-doubt, the subjective emotional mind at first resists and questions the objective reality of this new awareness, having been conditioned to think and feel in a manner that leaves little room for the full development of consciousness. The mind cannot imprint itself fully without first transforming basic psychological assumptions that weaken its psychic foundation.

New evolutionary forces reshape human mentality. Creative mental freedom, far from today’s soul-searching, crowns experience in conscious thought. It carries the message that global mind links us to psychic forces personified through cosmic hierarchies whose creative role throughout the universe is the organizational life-basis of a cosmo-political evolutionary plan inaccessible through logic alone. The mind is not simply a personal experience but a communications network where telepathy takes place between worlds, the existence of which is unknown to human science.

This infinite order is inhabited by immaterial beings whose evolutionary role varies according to their status within the network of mind dimensionality. The mind is the medium and the connecting link between all levels of intelligence and its receptivity varies, according to the degree of freedom enjoyed within its inner consciousness. In the universe, communication is the most fundamental and active principle. This applies at all levels, from the highest to the lowest spheres, whether consciously realized or not.

The fact of immaterial intelligences overseeing evolution and interfacing with its lower orders is repugnant to the selfcentered, psychically undeveloped ego, due in part, to its flagrant intellectual pride and narrow-mindedness. The ultimate implication of will in the human experience is the total immersion of consciousness in universal communication, a mind activity that reaches beyond the purely formal intellect.

The mind is the frontier of human consciousness. When it is experienced through opened mental channels, full awareness is attainable in the physical world. Its mystery remains the mark of a planetary ignorance, despite the sophistication of modern intellectual development. The mind is an evolutionary battleground for either domination or freedom of its psychic territory which is under constant assault via the unconscious thought process.

We live in the illusion that thoughts are of our own making. In fact, they are endlessly coloured and personalized through subtle psychic influences that limit access to our real identity. They are subject to manipulation by forces that thrive on our psychological delusion of unconscious free will. The universe is a composite reality.

It is inhabited by intelligences, both material and immaterial. The latters advanced state of being would stress the imagination of the uninitiated. Made aware of the forces that thrive beyond the earth’s planetary system and its physical dimensions, the uncluttered mind acts as a bridge between worlds when it has fully and unconditionally realized that the unconscious thought process is the fundamental veil of planetary experiential consciousness.

The intellectual insecurity of self-centeredness is of such magnitude as to make it impossible for a race to grow into real knowledge until its individual members have freed themselves from the cultural conditioning of mechanical memory and experience. The earth is a school for soul evolution and the eventual integration of the mind forces. It is a planetary body where incarnated souls progressively learn the laws of life, death and immortality as consciousness grows beyond subjective experiential thought.

In due time, individualization takes place when the mind can no longer satisfy itself with demeaning values fed to the masses. At this crucial point, knowledge must be experienced individually, leaving behind the egocentric habits developed through the psychological alliance with a civilization whose science or religions have no answers to fundamental cosmic questions.

Only then can the mysteries be freely explored and explained. The mind bridges parallel worlds differing in nature and experience. As it develops, it grows beyond the immediacy of its intellectual facet. It is capable of achieving what the intellect thinks it can, but cannot understand the absolute above and beyond astralized, that is memorially conditioned, speculation of religion or philosophy.

It has the ability to communicate with parallel worlds where thought is essence. The mind is not only a source of thought, but is also the source of its understanding. The intellect cannot grasp thought because it cannot free itself from its subjective value system. While the mind has the ability to dissociate itself from thought values that detract from and demean its essence, the intellect can only function through value-related ideas that are part of and characteristic of itself.

The fundamental difference between the intellect and pure mind lies in the fact that the latter has the capacity to make thought a tool for the understanding of the essence of consciousness that lies in an absolute relationship between the parallel worlds of the invisible spectrum and our own. Interdimensional intelligence creates the rapport between the thinking ego and the communicating self, its higher order of consciousness. While we reflect pure thought energy, we cannot receive it in a form free from memory and its emotions.

This limitation impels us to constantly seek thought values ordained according to the organizational power of the intellect. The latter is a reflector and its memory is a recorder of thought, while the mind is a dispenser of its creative energy. Self-induced illusions must be eliminated if the mind is to channel a free thought flow from worlds unrelated to the human experience.

This explains the difficulty we share in expressing what lies beyond the dense matter of subjective thinking. Supramental intelligence reports notions that propel the mind beyond its intellectual categories. It thrives on its conscious association with the pre-personal self, the awareness of which brings to life our dormant psychic faculties and capacity to accede to the intellectually unfathomable.

The mind can enlighten from beyond the material limitations of the senses. It widens our perceptions by aiding our ability to deal with intangible data that enlarges our field of awareness with respect to all planes of reality. It can move information that alters the very notion of being.

The mind orders the level of thinking, not the other way around. We can absorb and live with unconditioned information as long as we are able to emotionally deal with the intelligent presence of other dimensional realities ebbing and flowing through our field of perception. The basic flaw of the intellect is its reticence to endorse or confirm the intuitive lines of force that would otherwise add creative meaning to a dry and mechanical mental framework.

Were we to live simply from memory, we would lose touch with reality. Fortunately, life and consciousness periodically change in order to drive us to adapt to more objective forms of thought. This evolutionary process is not only confined to our psychic aspects but is part of the whole evolutionary process of life on earth. The dynamics of change are less apparent at the material level due to a more extended time factor.

At the psychic level, they are more evident since the mind constantly interacts with us in order to insure a more advanced level of perception. The universe is constructed along lines of force that divide separate realities, favouring a gradual development of ascending consciousness that would otherwise be impossible. The different planes are accessible to human inquiry through the built-in mechanism of the mind, which reflects a measure of its dynamic growth and evolution.

We remain unconscious of its inner power to reveal the facts of a multidimensional universe. Until we have risen to a conscious awareness able to deal with the intangible forces that shape destiny, we cannot forge ahead and establish a clear-minded link with intelligent life beyond our physical form. Our dulled senses block the more subtle flow of information that pours incessantly from a parallel universe.

This condition compels us to concentrate on the physical before perceiving thoughts that require a perfected mental state wherein astral forces have less power to subjectify consciousness. The mind transcends sensory perceptions and can readily explain the supra-sensitive worlds through its exchange with global reality. As it moves beyond intellectual knowledge, it predisposes the ego to an objective, telepathic communication that fosters the understanding of the invisible spheres.

It clarifies and expands the notion of free will, raising it to a more fundamental understanding of freedom within the context of its psychological and psychic reality as it channels thoughts that unmistakably indicate the co-existence of rational and supra-rational knowledge. It allows for growth beyond a subjective and opinionated mental state towards a wider frame of mind. Supramental intelligence is a quality of conscious thought that is psychically and dimensionally latent within the ego’s thought process.

Since it is not in the ego’s nature to experience conscious thoughts that coincide with levels of reality that transcend its own psychological limits or opinions, it cannot open up to intelligence levels that would otherwise lead to the understanding of its own mystery. Supramental thought is man’s link to the psychic universe of the mind.

It expands inner self-reality, and its multidimensional scope can only be integrated when freedom from egoic conventions of thought has been achieved. The subjective mind is a subtle process of unconscious interdimensional communication. Once freed, it permits the understanding of life as an integrated process. It makes the intangible and invisible concrete, opening the mysteries to the intellect’s investigational powers.

As an infinite communication network that stretches beyond purely physical life, it is the absolute key to the full understanding of life sciences. The notion of interdimensional intelligence interfacing with human consciousness is threatening to the rational ego which has been educated to think in terms of psychological values reinforced by the power of the senses over the pure mind.

Furthermore, the mind at the present stage of scientific evolution remains a mystery. Pre-personal intelligence is as foreign a reality as other aspects of the invisible force field acting within physical, unconscious reality. Subjective thought remains a sense-reinforced faculty that fails to penetrate deeper into the mystery of consciousness.

While we scientifically understand the phenomenon of electro-magnetic transmission, we refuse to relate to the psychodynamics of thought energy moving from higher to lower dimensions of universe reality. The greater part of subjective consciousness is based on race memory. The psychological function of thought based on memory can only be expanded to a purely creative function when the workings of the mind are understood beyond the limitations of memory and a sense-oriented psychological framework.

Pre-personal intelligence inter-facing with human consciousness is the fundamental key to the understanding of the mind. As such, it must be developed and integrated through a form of knowledge that is no longer subject to the rational limitations of the ego. The latter is a reflective function of consciousness which, by itself, cannot transform its own programming of memory unless it is brought in contact with non-conditioned thought.

Unless consciousness is raised beyond egoic awareness, the higher mind is not actualized and remains dormant. The reality of interdimensional intelligence inter-facing with human consciousness is difficult to deed with when compounded by our reliance on human memory in ascertaining our free will. Egocentric consciousness deals with socially sanctioned concepts in its effort to understand reality instead of communicating inwards in order to bypass its subjective notions and illusions.

Interdimensional intelligence has a decided effect on any concept that restricts evolution. The ego does not easily accept the psychic consequences of a telepathic connection with other world intelligences working through the human mind experience. Egocentric intelligence cannot experience and understand multi-level mind expression.

It is confined to the psycho-memorial, and has little or no access to other levels of thought that would instantly reveal that subjective ideas exist only by their very need to insure equilibrium in a field of consciousness where the ego would otherwise crack under the stress of knowing it is not alone in the evolutionary process of mind evolution.

Intelligence reality must be integrated through personal evolution and inner development if consciousness is to be free from memorial conditioning. Modern science is beginning to delve beyond appearances but it cannot yet find the essential nature of the mind. Because of egocentricity, scientific thought is experienced as a tool to investigate what is non-threatening to the status quo of the intellect. Physical science predetermines its own psychic limitations.

The mind has nothing to do with physics, but physics has a lot to do with the mind. Concepts are and will forever remain the only tools the mind creates for the eventual understanding of the absolute relativity of the physical and psychic continuum. Physical scientists are searching for a breakthrough that would explain the mind on their terms, thus the fascination with artificial intelligence.

This goal in itself must not be discredited. It allows for a fascinating advance in the study and application of the electronic laws for the transmission, acceleration, and analysis of information. However, the objective indicates the ignorant nature of the egocentric mind when dealing in a divisive manner with physical and non-physical reality. As science looks further into the nature of things, it will be confronted with the absolute discontinuity of the physical and the psychic universe.

The latter can only be understood through direct telepathic contact with higher mind levels. The mind has no limitations except those dominating it through cultural conditions. If we refuse, for whatever reason, to interact mentally with higher levels of conscious thought because of our psychological restrictions, the search for a perfect understanding will remain a mind game that cannot be won. The mind can generate many probabilities before surrendering its reality.

It has access to levels of information that free us from endless research and allow us to fully understand our relationship with infinite intelligence. This is part of its dynamic power over and beyond the physical dimensions of consciousness. One cannot raise oneself higher without letting go of the lower. The mind will not increase the depth of human intelligence until we are willing and able to realize that thoughts do not originate in our biological computer, the brain.

Update on 2024/07/24

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