Psychic infatuation

credit: @hubblespacetelescope @NASAGoddard

Beyond the mind chapter 3

“Psychic infatuation is caused by the shift of the rational gears into psychic overdrive. The new state of mind takes the ego by surprise as its relationship with a source of knowledge and life projects it beyond the limits of previous experience.” BdM


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Psychic infatuation leads to undue reliance on and belief in interdimensional information, influencing rational judgement through notions that lean heavily in favour of a suprasensitive interpretation of events. It develops with the opening of the psyche when contact with pre-personal thought levels is brought to awareness.

When the soul’s energy is harmonized with disembodied intelligences that have access to the psyche but do not share the human soul experience, then degeneration into naivety occurs, as the mind has not yet learned to integrate the facets of supra-rational knowledge.

Temporal or long term psychic infatuation is experienced when the intellectual memory is shaken up through encounter or contact with alternate realities. As mental focus shifts inwards through increased reception of paranormal data, the ego undergoes a deep and often permanent personality change. It experiences linkage with supra-rational aspects of the mind that grow through the increasing awareness of the proximity of other planes.

The ego then ceases to be solely involved with physical reality as it takes stock of another dimension whose inner laws have not yet been integrated. Psychic infatuation is the inevitable consequence of a new growth process towards interdimensional awareness. Mechanical and unconscious egocentric habits are gradually short-circuited as the ego is plugged into an alternative source whose inner conditions will only be understood objectively with time and experience.

Psychic infatuation is caused by the shift of the rational gears into psychic overdrive. The new state of mind takes the ego by surprise as its relationship with a source of knowledge and life projects it beyond the limits of previous experience. The realization of this link compels the ego to adhere to a new system of inner knowledge which in time must be adjusted to achieve objective identity.

Psychic reality overshadows, in absolute terms, the assumed notions of the intellectual mind. As it instructs from its own vantage point, it not only becomes an abundant source of telepathically communicated information, but also a powerful inner force field that objectifies and reveals the psychic relationship between the unconscious mind and subtle planes of intelligence.

As its presence grows within the field of consciousness, it gradually rebuffs the importance of the intellect as the sole seat of intelligent reason. Depending on the nature of its source and the degree of evolution of the soul, it imperceptibly commands an overview of reality which may or may not conform to the better judgement of the ego.

Psychic reality tentatively secures the inner understanding of psychological dilemmas, and yet, can foment subtle illusions that may lead to the infatuation of the naive and unconscious ego seeking certainty. The mind can inform the ego above and beyond the ego’s intellectual limitations. This is a difficult notion when one has been trained to think in terms of self-conditioned truths while trying to develop and secure a comfortable, albeit fictitious identity.

Thus explained is the basis of psychic infatuation, wherein the ego experiences a profound need to believe what filters through from its contact with interdimensional planes. Subjective knowledge and truth are conditioned by thoughts that are totally unrelated to creative conscious thinking.

The least impression created by the psychic mind at the onset of its contact with the ego influences the latter towards a position of naive acceptance and belief that is sufficient grounds for psychic infatuation While it appears at first to secure the ego, it actually undermines its notion of free will and equilibrium. This state of naive confidence is the work of pre-personal intelligence.

As interdimensional communication activates the psyche, alternative consciousness is experienced but its source is not yet fully identified. While the ego experiences an inner state that is witness to the presence of forces at work, it either matures as its capacity to deal objectively with the inner presence grows, or it falls into the trap of psychic infatuation which will divert its attention from a reasoned to a more psychic approach to life.

Awareness that is raised to an interdimensional level profoundly affects the unconscious mechanical thought process that has always existed on a diet of archaic and socially conditioned ideas. When the subjective process interfaces with pre-personal thought patterns, the ego is caught unprepared.

Its hardened opinions grow increasingly less defendable on the basis of subjective psychological premises that acted, in the past, as a shield against the shock of supramental data. At this point, infatuation may become symptomatic of a growing need for unfailing or even absolute reassurance, the real danger in the infancy of psychic awareness.

The degree of psychic infatuation depends on the individual’s basic make-up of attitudes and emotions. At first, inner communication is experienced as a form of relief from the old mental order that had falsely secured the ego in the previous phase of its intellectual life. The new communication objectifies its reality, shakes the foundations of the personality, and weakens its psychological defense mechanisms.

Only through a long process of finely tuned mental experience is egoic confusion or naive certainty dissipated, along with the notion that socially acceptable normality necessarily conforms to real psychological and psychic equilibrium. Psychic infatuation can be overcome when, and if, the ego deals with the new experience in a manner that does not colour its reality through the astral manipulation of thoughts and emotions.

Lack of understanding of the nature of the psyche beyond the veil of reason prevents objective awareness. The ego then fails to rise above itself and set itself free from the illusions that prevent individualization. It remains chained to a false freedom which can easily become an escape mechanism called infatuation.

The inner mechanics of psychic infatuation must be understood if sensitive individuals are to identify with and benefit from contact with interdimensional reality. Sensitivity is a great asset. It can, however, become a liability in a world that is fast becoming a battleground for psychological survival and psychic equilibrium.

Our materialistic view of the universe prevents us from consciously realizing our supra-liminal contact with the “after world” or non-physical influences on consciousness. We have been trained to think in terms of ideas which can be physically proven and have, through this valid but limited intellectual process, lost touch with other dimensions which affect human consciousness.

Studying the symptoms of psychic infatuation is not sufficient to free the individual from the inner turmoil of his soul. The primary causes must be brought to the surface and no amount of mechanistic psychology can do this beyond a certain point. Try telling a religious fanatic that his messages do not come from God. Psychic infatuation is difficult to eradicate at the source unless its inner mechanisms are understood.

An obscure distortion of the mind, psychic infatuation indicates the inability of the ego to adjust consciously to new thought levels that penetrate the psyche as it channels interdimensionally. It is the natural result of the effect of new forces at work in the mind. Since thinking is an informative process, whether it be conscious or unconscious, it is subject to psychic interference when it connects the ego to a subliminal level of intelligence experience.

Uncontrolled psychic infatuation leads to subtle forms of inner disinformation that could threaten the equilibrium of the psyche. When the thinking process rises above the personal level, the ego needs time to adjust to the new level of thought energy. Awareness of higher planes introduces new dynamics which cause pressure in a naive mind that must be lived and dealt with.

This force will, at the beginning, create psychic infatuation unless kept in check; only then can the psychic and psychological potential of the individual unify creatively beyond any level experienced prior to the new mind growth. When the ego is engaged in a process of inner development through the evolution of an interdimensional experience, it spends a lot of energy evaluating the new parameters to which it is being exposed.

The conditioned ideas of the subjective memory gradually lose their hold on the self, and the importance of the unconscious and mechanical memory is diminished in proportion to the penetrating force of new knowledge. The inability to treat lightly and with common sense any form of psychic information forces the ego to face facts of an order for which it has not been prepared, and whose validity it will wish, at first, to believe strongly.

Psychic infatuation is a mental condition that reveals the ego’s inability to see through the temporary disturbance of the mental mechanical process while it is being replaced by a new creativity. The price paid for this change is not evident at first. The individual can understand only in retrospect that his or her infatuation stemmed from a naive state of mind, unaware of the difficult process of individualization and integration of its energies, both soul and spirit.

The psyche has the ability to endure profound and complex mental tuning. Whether man is conscious or not, intelligent forces are at work within him. Once a certain level of spiritual evolution has been achieved, tuning increases in intensity and becomes a conscious aspect of inner development. The tuning of the psyche is the primary cause of psychic infatuation.

The latter is the inevitable result of the permeating effect of psychic forces penetrating the lower limits of human consciousness and the inability of the naive ego to deal with them in an intelligent manner. Understanding the relative psychic influence of the planes, whether soul-astral or spirit-mental, is the primary quality of new, evolutionary consciousness.

Without such understanding, psychological dynamics interfere with full development. In the future, understanding of the mechanics of consciousness will free the ego from its astral programming. The nurturing support of its creative energy, an absolute framework related to the double or spirit force, makes integrated identity or fusion possible in this life cycle.

A more objective psychic frame of mind, no longer tainted by subjective, astralized ideas that are the building blocks of psychic infatuation, will from then on develop into fully conscious thought. Supramental consciousness is the next phase of the evolutionary development of civilized intelligence.

It involves a fusion that will objectify, concretize, and personalize the psychic link between the physical and other planes of reality whose existence remains an unknown factor within the whole life equation. The mind’s absolute linkage with parallel planes will be experienced when the psyche is ready and capable of supporting the shock as it breaks through the threshold of consciousness.

When psychic forces penetrate the subjective mental threshold, a false plenitude is experienced at first, and until experience and fuller understanding has enriched inner fife, infatuation is rampant. The ego experiences a high degree of duality when an unfamiliar mental order presents itself from within.

Its vast reservoir of subjective and conditioned memories colours the new experience and locks it within a subliminal, astral forcefield that gives rise to egoic attitudes matched only by the degree of ignorance and spiritual illusions, of which there are legions. As the higher mind explores its impending link with the psyche, the ego becomes conscious of an inalienable right and capacity to know and understand what makes up the psychic underground and the inner mystery.

It is witness to the end of an archaic state of mind as a new mental process takes it beyond the frontier of its previous limits. As it registers the profound meaning of its new experience, the subconscious mind begins sending signals of its own, indicating the presence of deep forces which mark a new mental life beginning at the breaking point of rigid, unhear, rational thought patterns.

The psychic ground is then ready for what the ego, as yet, fails to comprehend: a rendez-vous with another dimension of the mind via the psychic connection with a supramental thought source. The ego has been nurtured on socially conditioned ideas that bear limited relevance to the overall power of the mind.

As a power or whole creative process, the mind has an awesome capacity to kindle objective knowledge, thus freeing the ego from the relative historical models that were part of its previous development but insufficient for the evolution of the supermental nature of man’s precognitive faculties.

While it remains under the umbreUa of a subjective or social belief system, the ego falls short of creative and fundamental knowledge. Inner freedom is not understood and the capacity to self-inform from a vantage point, that corresponds to a multidimensional reality of which it is an absolute part is lacking.

The interdimensional mind experience is a level of self-intelligence that can only grow following the reshuffling of unconscious thinking habits based on values that are race-conditioned, and therefore not global. Objective and creative intelligence cannot originate at the ego level. Unadulterated creative thought originates on planes that have no relationship with the karmic or memory forces of the soul.

The soul as an inner field cannot enlighten the thinking process; it is not within its experience to move non-karmic thoughts through the psyche because by their very nature, they disrupt its energy field. As global and perfect memory, the soul must be unified with the spirit or double in order to break the human karmic link with the astral forces it channels when the ego is aligned along a path of probable experiences that are not of its own choosing.

This can only take place as the ego experiences an inner freedom in thought that corresponds to an evolutionary consciousness in full possession of its creative means. Our understanding of the mind is limited to cultural points of view selected on the basis of perceptions and impressions.

As a system that is not aware of reality as a force field, thought is experienced as a web of unconscious lines of force in tune with the malaise of the soul at the expense of the ego. While unconscious life is born of and limited to astral programming, man ages at the expense of himself, unable to recuperate all of his inner resources.

When higher mind energy awakens consciousness, the ego experiences a certain infatuation caused by astral impressions that are the core of karmic soul memory. The ego is a slave to those soul forces until it has learned to integrate them. The shock of the higher mind is a measure of these overpowering forces.

Initial contact with interdimensional thought or psychic communication becomes a temporary balm for the weary ego; however, those who have gone through the experience will testify to the fact that the ego’s primary reflex is fear of the unknown. The thrust of consciousness towards higher thought levels transforms within the unconscious self vast amounts of energy that was used in the past to build a protective shield against depths of knowledge unattainable through logic alone.

The unconscious mind belongs to a historical past that holds the ego back from discovering conscious thought. Psychic infatuation is an indication of the difficulty the ego faces when dealing with the outer limits of consciousness that extend beyond subjective thought flow. The conditioned mind seeks only to absorb what lies within the possible confines of the familiar.

The unknown disrupts its memory field and increases psychic tension which in turn leads to psychic infatuation, all because of the ego’s unsalable need to believe, since it cannot know, what lies beyond its subjective limits. Psychic infatuation gives rise to false confidence. This eventually shifts as the individual recognizes the profound need to deal intelligently with growing inner forces.

He then realizes that to integrate them is a fundamental condition for the full development of soul and spirit fusion. It becomes increasingly clear that the original infatuation was simply the result of a profound inner need to believe in a bold reality that had not been integrated.

As the psyche opens up to alternate realities, thought shifts back and forth from a personal to a pre-personal level, increasing the amplitude of the inner field of knowledge. The measure is proportional to the intensity of the shock that follows the penetration of non-egoic forms of thought into the dense field of conditioned self-consciousness.

As interdimensional or telepathically induced thoughts move through the mind from the higher planes or worlds, there begins a profound transformation of the self and its fictitious personality. Psychic awareness and inner identity develop until they become permanently secured.

The mind always challenges the status quo when it fosters the understanding of alternate realities, and each human life serves its advancement as thoughts emanate from psychic spheres in the universal endeavour to amalgamate with human consciousness.

Update on 2024/07/24

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