Cults and mind control

credit: @hubblespacetelescope @NASAGoddard

Beyond the mind chapter 11

« Today religions are being displaced by a variety of new-breed cults that invade and disturb consciousness with powerful astral ideologies, and at times, questionable leadership that operates under the cover of inspiration… In many cases they weaken personal identity, sacrificing it to a collective form of knowledge that overrides and slowly eliminates the individual’s inner resources. » BdM


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Cults are the barometer of forces of division in man’s contemporary world. They have been the embryo of spiritual and political ideologies throughout civilizations.

While the majority have died out, others have grown and proliferated during periods of heightened alienation, as political or religious identity dominated the weaker personality.

Some brought moral and spiritual comfort through the creation of time-honored values. They prevail to this day in the world’s universal religions that result from the life work of initiates whose destinies corresponded to the needs of mankind at a specific time of its evolution, and whose attributes sprung from the depths of the contemplation of the mysteries.

Other cults, unfortunately, are a violation of human dignity and need to be exposed for what they sow. As classical religions and even their modern versions lose appeal, cults become increasingly fashionable due to their marginal profile and the hermetic quality of their culture.

Whether they are psychic, religious, political, or commercial, they are a potential threat to personal identity even while acclaiming individual freedom. Much has been said and done in the name of freedom. History cries it, but real freedom is hard to come by, and much clarity of mind is necessary to achieve and secure it.

Today religions are being displaced by a variety of new-breed cults that invade and disturb consciousness with powerful astral ideologies, and at times, questionable leadership that operates under the cover of inspiration.

Some cults go as far as robbing individual identity, as they invite naive members to think in a manner that threatens their psychic equilibrium.

In many cases they weaken personal identity, sacrificing it to a collective form of knowledge that overrides and slowly eliminates the individual’s inner resources. The mind can no longer operate on a creative level, confined to ideas that encourage hermetic illusions.

When self-estrangement pushes one towards a cult experience, the ego is farthest away from self and at the maximum danger point in its personal development towards conscious evolution.

Members, often unable out of too much conviction, to see the astral motives of the cult, put their identity in jeopardy when they adhere to belief systems whose primary function is to impose a state of psychological submission to a doctrine that enslaves the human spirit, as it sets in vibration soul forces to the detriment of creative intelligence.

Cult consciousness initiates, to different degrees, a form of slavery of the mind under the auspices of the masterful arrangement of ideas to profit self-serving illusions.

The ideological quality of cults that appeals to the psychological and psychic profile of the individual conveys to the emotional being a meaning that satisfies his fundamental anxiety, and at the same time fires up cult greed and domination.

Cults that engage in brainwashing and reprogramming, break down the psychological resistance of the ego in an effort to implant new values dictated through assertive ideologies that threaten the very lifeline of individual evolution towards self-consciousness.

Such dangerous activities are powered by covert astral forces that seek domination of the mind through the manipulation of the personality.

These forces are very present in the consciousness of many cult leaders through a subtle form of possession sufficiently disguised to prevent any question as to their sanity. Certain cults grow in power through their hermetic profile.

Any organization that uses secrecy, for instance, as a part of its basic policy risks astralizing its activities to the detriment of the freedom of the mind. Secrecy is a tool used by astral forces to lead the membership into short or long-term deception.

Secrecy is dangerous as long as it is used for power, for it implies that cult members are not sufficiently intelligent to judge for themselves as to the validity of the cult’s orientation.

Were members conscious or at least aware of the consequences of secrecy in their lives, they would leave in throngs and never adhere to certain Machiavellian organizations that appear whole but are really, profoundly, anti-man, anti-freedom, and anti-reality.

Astral forces use cults insidiously to raise their vibrational power on the physical plane, through the breakdown of personal critical faculties, the only tool that insures a perspective towards eventual development of free creative identity.

Unconscious man is already highly astralized and weakened through lack of a real identity.

When he enters certain organizations, his mind becomes the target of powerful astral agents that can neutralize his capacity to remain objective facing himself. Cults expose the individual to psychic forces through the manipulation of his emotions.

The more negatively astral the source, the more powerful their subliminal suggestions, and the more deceitful the ploy. Our modern world is engaged in cult fever to a stunning degree.

The need to satisfy the craving for unconventional experience, and to identify with varied forms of fascinating ideas is reaching proportions that could with time create a debilitating effect on the mass mind as well as on individual mentalities.

The American mercantile temperament may well increase the spreading power of certain cults to the potential detriment of the democratic process and its devotion to the human rights issue.

The cult phenomenon in America is reaching proportions that eventually spill over into the political and economic arena.

Some cults are seeking political power, while others are bound to the development of a commercially wide base control of consumer allegiance. Others have enshrined spiritual or occult forms of knowledge through either subliminal or direct contact with the spirit world.

In the more liberal countries, certain cult organizations make no bones of using legal loopholes and lax laws to reinforce their grip on membership.

Only when excessive acts of brainwashing have been brought to public attention does society move to restrain or put a term to the violation of human rights; often too late, as liberal inertia becomes an aid to the proliferation of those organizations.

The spiritually naive personality is naturally attracted to cults. They instill values strongly reinforced by the group and their leader.

Psychic disinformation and even deformation results when a leader creates or establishes a belief system whose astral plan the group member is unable to evaluate objectively, lacking the proper inner resources, swayed by group reinforcement, and magnetized by the psychic effects of these new beliefs on the mind.

The personality is slowly and unconsciously taken over by entities who become a forceful influence over the real self, poisoning the mind. Thought pollution goes hand in hand with the astral pollution of cults.

As their power grows so does the level of thought pollution, until the leaders themselves lose track of their own identity.

Thought pollution grows imperceptibly until such time as members are brought to realize that something might have gone wrong along the way.

Such observations will not usually come from the leaders themselves, who may have strayed from their original path, but from the adepts who may feel they have been drawn into a maelstrom of experience that has developed in an unexpected direction.

Cults encourage psychic submission to astral forces which can, in many cases, give rise to paranoid responses to real or imaginary outside threats.

Paranoia measures up to the degree of marginality of the cult until leaders and adepts fall under the spell of an imaginary need for armed protection.

Some cultists become soldiers that soon transform themselves into a militia.

At this stage, paranoia becomes the general psychological profile and the cult deviates into a dangerous theater of trapped players, finding it increasingly difficult to retain what little identity they may have had before being manipulated into such a collective role.

Some cults impress the personality profoundly and lastingly through the powerful astral currents that animate their leaders.

When the mind is framed within an hermetic structure, it loses its centricity and enthusiastically adopts views that seem, at first, to offer an appealing picture of reality.

The leader appears particularly strong and commanding in contrast to the weaker personalities, giving him an aura of authority that mesmerizes the adept, rendering him fearfully unable to challenge the one who created a psychic fixation of supremacy.

There are cults that literally kidnap their members and extract from them their remaining resources.

Such organizations do not seek to free those who come to them in trust. They do not, of their own, release those who have sought refuge.

Some have developed the art of kidnapping through possession and have refined it through the legal grid, to the tune of constitutional rights and legal amendments, and even outright threats.

Cults create egregores in the astral body and imprint in the personality a rigid mind frame that projects human reality as an ever-present mechanical thought program that blunts sensitivity to one’s inner centers.

They destroy the creative potential of self-identity, and substitute illusory personality parameters that increase the dependency of the self on astral forces which easily magnetize the naive mind.

They harbour a unique power to dilute self-image by giving an enlarged importance to self-portrait. They condition the mind and cultivate the powers of the astral plane to the detriment of a higher mental plane.

Cults have the power to interfere with their members’ psychic balance by creating often irresistible modes of perception that inadvertently confine the ego to a form of slavery it would free itself from, were it allowed to steer towards its own reality.

Cults fascinate as they arouse inner feelings that compensate for the lack of a solid, centered identity. They offer a fictitious identity based on the need to belong, instead of helping their members realize the wholeness and self-supportive quality of their own identity.

Often, after a cult experience, ex-members come to recognize the illusions that have brought them in contact with such organizations, strengthening the happy and hard won conviction that to steer too far away from oneself may be hazardous to one’s mental and emotional health.

It is often difficult to stand the harshness of life and its fundamental problems on one’s own. The cult allows adherence to a program that promises to deal with such existential sensitivities as self-help or self-advantages. In the experience, however, one comes to realize that the cult is a crutch that must be set aside in order to understand real life.

Psychic cults, for instance, may appear innocuous to the spiritually naive person, but in reality are subtle traps that create astral bondage to the death world.

The charisma of a psychic leader gives the impression to a weak ego of being special, and privy to information that is unique and most important.

The spiritual pride of many selected leaders may not be apparent to one who sees them in a rather lofty light. This manipulative astral trickery is more treacherous than can be imagined.

Conscious strategy against it must be developed before psychics can know what really goes on between the death plane and the physical world.

Not until a sufficient level of mental awareness has been achieved, will the inspired be able to protect themselves and their adepts from the astral claws of entities ruled by a light that is far from universal.

Astral contact will cease and its subtle influences wane under the control of higher mental awareness.

Psychic cults may be a menace to the individual’s psychological equilibrium. Mediums or trance channelers who receive information from the astral plane do not necessarily understand the underlying intent of the forces they are dealing with, regardless of the spiritual quality of the messages.

The astral plane is not the mental plane where the individual soul is made to unite in fusion with its own reality. The astral world has always waged an undeclared war against humanity. That is its unconfirmed role and function and it has always been so.

It will in time be recognized that fight does not come from the astral but from the mental worlds. Entities have no advantage of knowledge over man once he is in his own conscious identity.

The emotional love-spirituality that is presently dished out from the astral plane through mediums is no indication of creative intelligence.

Spirituality in this form has an astral flaw that corresponds to the psychic make-up of unconscious humanity.

Until man becomes intelligent in his own right, spirituality on earth will be used to the detriment of his higher mental state, for the ultimate control over his astral form, as a vital connection for the death world to the physical experience.

Regardless of what they may say to open-minded and unquestioning mediums or channelers, the dead are sad and envy the human physical experience; they will do everything in their power to maintain their fink with the physical plane.

Black art cults are the ultimate nest and working place of lower astral entities.

They fascinate and then mesmerize those who develop an interest in rituals that serve as contact and channelling mechanisms to powerful and devious forces.

From such cults emanate the most advanced forms of domination that can lead to psychic possession, a very real danger to those who adhere to such belief systems, and a danger that can only be objectively studied through methods not yet familiar to classical psychologists.

The high and low astral spheres are real. In both cases, man is subdued by them until he has learned to recognize, through his own creative intelligence, the hidden fact of the cosmic file that allows astral entities, whether negative or positive, to encroach upon human freedom through a variety of teachings that hide the cosmic reality of supermental intelligence alive within the consciousness of man.

Once fusion with the higher mental principle of self-identity has been established, the astral world is threatened by man’s supermental intelligence rooted in conscious fusion beyond the death plane.

Cults need not be organized into a strict social format to retard individual evolution and the development of identity.

The super culture that has grown out of the entertainment industry has created its own brand of cult and its members, the fans, help support the artistic morale of those performers who need the love of the public to find credibility in their art form.

While the super culture brings much to mankind, a fine line exists between creativity and its aberrations.

The super culture had a heavy hand in the sixties in the popularization of the drug experience through image and sound.

It influenced the minds of millions through the convenient and powerful medium of the entertainment industry.

A whole generation was affected as many super culture heroes inflicted, indirectly, irreparable damage to many who could have otherwise grown through a more natural process of evolution, unscarred by the ultimate mental disease of drug-induced possession by negative astral entities.

The super culture should never be allowed to forget its excesses regardless of the tax deductible charity benefits that compensate on a small scale for what it has managed to accomplish on a worldwide scale. It used its power without maturity.

While many of its stars have cleaned up their act, many more are still under the influence and, as such, perpetuate the mystique of alienation that helped develop and expand the drug cult and consequently, its social invasion and mental epidemic.

Contaminated in the drug scourge, a number of popular artists indulge in black magic.

Their relationship with satanism has been translated into so called creative impulses, driving them to influence unsuspecting fans to profit from an illusory freedom designed to destroy social values and equilibrium and order in the evolutionary process.

They have projected a powerful image to the masses through the stimulation of baser instincts dissociated from the harmony of a progressive social order.

Millions of youngsters in search of an identity have succumbed to idolatry. They have been uprooted from a search and rescue experience proportional to their existential nihilism.

Artists have a great responsibility towards the evolution of social consciousness throughout the world, and must come to realize that the use of the media must render social service, not the easy astral manipulation through a drugged mind, of themselves and their public.

The American love syndrome is indicative of the dissatisfaction with the totally unreal maquette of modern materialistic living, and of the need to feel emotional relief from its inconclusive experience.

The United States is the most advanced nation on earth because of its spiritual endowment, but is plagued by grave problems at the underground level because of its spiritual naivety.

The cult mission to bypass those problems only results in the instrumentation of more subtle illusions.

While Americans are making a popular tenet of their social consciousness, they remain hard-pressed to indulge in the mental realization of its mystery.

Hollywood love cults are well positioned to bring an astral form of love into the world.

The silver screen mirrors the illusions of the force of astral love and the perversion of its results.

The strong astral link with spirit guides of certain cults and their trendsetting centers in the west coast tradition, and the love cults oozing out of California, testify to this great nation’s politico-spiritual legacy whose role is of utmost importance at the grass roots level.

Nevertheless, the deep astral currents that nourish its centers of spiritual fetishism need a creative perspective through contact with higher mental planes that are free of the influences of the death world and its spiritual agents.

Such a perspective is necessary in order to understand the whole spectrum of human spirituality beyond the sincere feelings and teachings channelled through individuals still karmically linked to parallel planes.

Astral teachings on love are merely spiritual parameters of a science of fire, which is not yet universal knowledge on earth.

Unless love is brought to a conscious mental level, it remains an astral function of the soul and serves the spiritual world of the dead instead of serving man as a cosmic entity.

Real love is more than a spiritual function of consciousness.

It is a universal principle of individualized and integrated intelligence and will. In its mental form, love cannot be simply translated into a socio-spiritual function of the emotions.

As a cosmic principle, it can only be experienced within the unity of the resolution of the self in a universal aspect that would make its non-astral components seem farcical.

As a comprehensive and integrated experience, it is much removed from the trends and cults that are turning love into something that must be sung or praised publicly.

Love has more depth than one can sing about and more power than its Hollywood contraptions can deliver.

The social shock that accompanies miracles, or paranormal phenomena such as Fatima or Medjugorje, to name but two famous ones, gives rise to spiritual cults of a kind that bring moral support to the needy and the spiritually motivated.

The church has always maintained an open but critical position towards miracles, until fully convinced of their spiritual foundation, but their astral background has never been put to test through the investigative faculties of fully qualified mediums.

Those who have come in contact with the spiritual entity are usually simple, religious people who, because of the lack of highly crystallized psychic centers, have lost, in the process, the faculty to dialogue objectively and critically with the entity, and confront it with man’s own higher mental knowledge concerning interdimensional politics of the astral planes.

A centric medium unimpressed by the spiritual aura of the miracle force would discover the entity’s interdimensional cover-up and the intelligences behind the manifestation.

He or she could put to test man’s psychic knowledge of the spiritual dimension or astral plane beyond the influence of the materialized projection.

The reality of miracles is not questioned here, but the astral intentions and politics that underlie the projection.

The psychic shock to the mind that miracles create as the entity penetrates the spatio-temporal dimension of the human field of perception, hypnotizing by suspension of the psychomotor faculties, must be counteracted by an inner capacity to remain mentally and psychically alert while in contact with the astral plane.

There is more to miracles than appears at first sight.

The multidimensionality of the phenomena must be scrutinized through a human agent whose consciousness is spiritually and astrally free, capable of undertaking an objective, creative study through communication with the astral form, of the intentions of the entity.

Regardless of the symbolic figurehead used in the materialization, messages of peace and prayer, in themselves valid, are hypnotic and insufficient to put life, death and immortality into cosmic perspective.

The hypnotic effect of the call for endless praying is part of the spiritual tactics of the astral world.

While it helps the spheres support their own evolution through the long, astral peregrination, it short changes mankind in its need for a higher mental understanding of the mysteries.

The dictates of spiritual entities enrobed in the universal archetype of the virgin do not convey intelligent and intelligible information that would lead to a higher evolution of the human race.

They rather serve their own needs and carry within them the seed of subtle astral manipulation of the emotions, interfering and retarding human development and conscious growth. The astral world feeds on humanity.

Suffering on the earth plane is directly consequent to the ignorance of specific astral laws that undermine human consciousness, karmically bound to the planes of death.

Evolution cannot take place only in science. It must also take root in the mind to be able to liberate man’s psychic forces essential to his knowledge of the mysteries. Miracle cults are the necessary consequences of spiritual naivety.

They have kept man away from the science of the vast worlds that extend beyond physical life.

Psychic limitations have brought about psychological illusions as to the structure of the universe, leaving short-sighted perceptions which, if fully understood, would give access to endless knowledge that is presently blocked by astral influences resulting in spiritual innocence used to stunt the growth of mental knowledge of a parallel universe.

It is not through an endless call for prayers that the spiritual world will bring light to the mind of man. Prayers support the soul through its own suffering but what is essential is understanding of the motive behind the miracle.

When we have learned through our own consciousness how the astral plane exerts its age old influence on humanity, we will understand the miracle.

Any group or organization that would want to understand the occult side of miracles should call on the services of mentally conscious mediums karmically free from the astral plane.

A person in this position would see through the spiritual maze to obtain objective information as to the nature of the entity, without debunking its spiritual message or the spiritual figurehead used in the materialization of the astral form.

Religious groups do not seek the perception of those who are the most fit to see through astral mystification in a universe that contains more than a physical and astral plane.

In order to understand the subtle karmic relationship that exists between these two worlds, life must be understood as a whole cosmic game in which man is an unconscious participant instead of an intelligent student.

Miracles must be seen and understood as part of the activities of the death world on the physical plane.

Their moral benefit cannot be dissociated from the fact that they control the human spiritual state of mind in order to prevent the light of creative intelligence from diffusing the laws and mechanics of the astral world within the physical experience.

Conscious man understands the invisible realms as he does the physical, to end his experience as a pawn in a cosmic game whose astral dimensions prevent mental growth because of spiritual indoctrination.

Religions are necessary to the spiritual development of civilization, but they are not the final phase in the science of parallel dimensions which, even today, baffles modern intelligence.

The more the universe meets the eye, the more it becomes amenable to scientific investigation, through either empirical methodology at the material level, or psychic investigation of its intemporal dimensions.

Until we become conscious of our own supermental plane, free from the astral domination of thought, the link between the physical and cosmic sciences remains unattainable, and humanity, an experiment.

Update on 2024/07/24

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