Illustration Appollo 11
Man on the Moon – credit: NASA

Bernard de Montréal’s written works in English

Part of his texts in English: Book written in English and translations of conference transcripts. All texts can be translated into other languages by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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Table of content


Beyond the mind (BTM)

In his first work in English (in 1998), BdM introduces us to the study or evolutionary psychology, explains to us the science of supramental thought, and constructs for us the psychic bridge from involution to evolution: memory to creative thought, spirituality to consciousness, suffering to peace, death to immortality, soul to spirit, reincarnation to fusion. From hist first conferences and volumes on evolutionary psychology, he has never broken his thread of constance: freedom of the human mind from all forms of domination.

Ch.0 Foreword
The following work does not pretend to teach or instruct the reader in any form. It seeks to introduce him to a freer mode of thinking, which could lead further into the understanding of the universe of conscious thought.

Ch.1 A view from the Mind Tunnel
The mind is an infinite communications network that processes conscious and unconscious thought energy emanating from a variety of radiating center points… The mind is also a process, albeit unconscious for the greater part of humanity, through which different intelligent worlds interact with the human brain.

Ch.2 Higher Intelligence
As supramental insight develops, the mind becomes a permanent and instantaneous interfacing process with objective intelligence, identifiable with the higher principle of self… [the latter] adjusts the thought flow from the supramental to the lower mental planes, down through the mind tunnel that connects interdimensional intelligence to the human psychic apparatus underlying the electromagnetic activity of the physical brain.

Ch.3 Psychic Infatuation
Psychic infatuation is caused by the shift of the rational gears into psychic overdrive. The new state of mind takes the ego by surprise as its relationship with a source of knowledge and life projects it beyond the limits of previous experience.

Ch.4 Psychic Seduction
A great number of sensitive individuals have extraordinary potential but fail to integrate their psychic perceptions on a truly individualized basis. They do not understand that the mind is manipulated by astral forces working undercover using mystifying elements to thwart life’s creative potential.

Ch.5 Surrendering to the Occult
The occult may lead to loss of identity, should its student surrender to its belief system. The individual must learn to protect himself optimally, or he subjects himself to possible psychic manipulation and disinformation that may lead to the eventual domination of his mind by forces that are very much alive and real. In surrendering his critical faculties, he victimizes himself through a gradual loss of identity.

Ch.6 The Mind and the Unrecognized Cosmic Self
The cosmic dimension of the mind and the cosmic dimension of the self are one and the same… The higher self is the universal reservoir of human thought emanating from a pre-personal level, and gradually descending the scale of thought vibration until the ego identifies with it as a personalized form of thought energy.

Ch.7 Human Naivety and the Mass Mind
Millions of unaware individuals are losing what little identity they have to fascination with a growing, glowing population of artistic and sports heroes, whose worship of deepens the existential void and psychic alienation. Immense and disproportionate fortunes… are an insult to thinkers in the liberal and physical sciences whose supportive and life orienting roles go too often unrewarded, if not unnoticed, bringing to question the mind quality at the heads of governing bodies.

Ch.8 The dual fantasy
We treat thoughts as our own and in so doing fail to understand the complex structure of the mind and its cosmic origin… We like to think of ourselves as autonomous beings but we are absolutely interdependent, through extension in times unknown, with other intelligences whose relationship with man is woven into the very fabric of his individual and indivisible reality.

Ch.9 The Systemic Mind
Thought communication with the universal circuits is the basis for a new and creative understanding of intelligence and its source. Once consciousness has been adjusted to the interdimensional fact of thought reality, the mind generously offers to the self that which lies beyond the intellectual barriers of egocentric consciousness.

Ch.10 Thought pollution
Thought communication with the universal circuits is the basis for a new and creative understanding of intelligence and its source. Once consciousness has been adjusted to the interdimensional fact of thought reality, the mind generously offers to the self that which lies beyond the intellectual barriers of egocentric consciousness.

Ch.11 Cults and Mind Control
Today religions are being displaced by a variety of new-breed cults that invade and disturb consciousness with powerful astral ideologies, and at times, questionable leadership that operates under the cover of inspiration… In many cases they weaken personal identity, sacrificing it to a collective form of knowledge that overrides and slowly eliminates the individual’s inner resources.

Ch.12 Parasites of the Mind
We are usually unaware of mind parasites unless we have been versed in psychic sciences and related experiences… [Parasites] belong to the psychic world and are retarding factors in the evolution towards self-identity… They are responsible for its gradual deterioration throughout life and the disequilibrium of the life forces.

Ch.13 Ideas and the Mind
Inspiration… is truly an interdimensional creative expression, though coloured by the psychic profile of the soul that conditions the telepathic connection with the etheric double or spirit force.

Ch.14 The ego
The development of the self and his maintenance in a state of permanent equilibrium, requires an ego free in mind which means in full control of the quality of its thoughts. When such control has been achieved, the ego becomes conscious of the self and benefits creatively from thought contact with the mind planes from which the double or cosmic principle actualizes itself through the conscious self or soul center, down through the transparent ego, or real person, as opposed to personality.

Ch.15 Psychic Territory
Once it has become aware of the mind territory, the ego gains access to its transpersonal dimensions. This enables it to dissociate personal reality from its subjective perceptions, increasing its telepathic communication with realms of intelligence that are the source of universal or cosmic thought systems.

Ch.16 The Astral Connection
The astral connection prevents the self from living in peace because of its negative bombardment of the mind and its offsetting of the mental focus through stress-related emotions. It covers the whole range of human experience, from the time of birth to the time of death.

Ch.17 Sub-mental Symbolism
The sub-mental nature of symbolism can be traced back to the dawn of civilization… It institutionalized emotions to a point where they have been associated with the fullness of life regardless of their creative or non-creative aspects, enslaving humanity under a karmic law neither understandable nor revokable.

Ch.18 The interdimensional “I” and “YOU”
The inner ˮIˮ and ˮYOUˮ are part of a bilateral system of communication that enables the thought adjuster to instruct the ego in the science of life, while enabling the self to freely communicate with a plane of intelligence that can only unveil its living knowledge according to the degree of soul evolution.

Ch.19 Mind polarity
The unconscious thought process creates polarity in the mind, preventing the self from understanding interdimensional reality. We experience the mind but do not connect with its supermental or creative level. We are unaware of its source and fight it throughout unconscious life.

Audio playlist Beyond the mind

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Audio conference transcriptions

Preparatory communication (CP)

The series of lectures in French consists of 264 recordings made by BdM without public between September 1980 and September 1988. Each conference is independent and the subjects are very varied: a particular point of its teaching on the supramental, a fashionable subject, a fact of society, an aspect of daily life or personal, etc …

The few English translations of these lectures are presented here.

1 Doubt
Doubt is the conflict in you. It is the separation between your mind and the universal spirit. It is the polarity, in your mind, created by your emotions and personal thoughts.

2 Evil
Evil is much vast than one can imagine, much more mechanical than one can imagine and much more occult than one can imagine. In terms of human experience, evil is known as the culminating factor of the penetration of light into the lower worlds. Evil on our planet, on the material plane, is the end of the line and the terminus of its movement, since the movement of light to its expression in man.

3 Guilt
Guilt is probably one of man’s greatest mistakes. Guilt is probably the greatest trap of the human mind. Its danger is so great and so vast that it affects all men at some point in their lives. No man can say that, in his life, he has not felt guilty.

4 Worries
The human ego is a very easy prey to external influences… But if the ego is influenced by intelligences who have the power of communication over it and of whom he is ignorant, at that moment the ego must at some point realize the profound nature of these influences, and learn by a broader, deeper, more real psychology, to fight them so that he can eliminate them.

5 Soul, ego and personnality
I will try to make you grasp as much as possible, as simply as possible, the four aspects of man and their relationships of the mechanisms between his ego, his personality, the soul and the Thought Adjuster, so that one day you may come to understand precisely and to easily see the action, the activity of these four attributes of man.

6 The astral plane
The astral plane is a layer of energy that is part of the consciousness of all evolving beings who have gone beyond the animal stage of evolution… [The] lack of gravity’s power … in what is called the astral plane, allows it to create, or be recognized as being a world of imagination where all possibilities exist, and where all realities are conditioned by acquired experience.

7 The Bermudas triangle
The Bermuda Triangle is a place chosen by extra-terrestrial species to penetrate Earth and to keep it under surveillance… Today, it has become a place where very advanced in cosmic technology species are preparing to intervene at an opportune time, if man were, out of ignorance, to trigger a world conflict.

8 Men in black
The men in black are materialized projections of intelligence from what you call flying saucers… The purpose of these intelligences is to avoid any confrontation between man and their ships.

9 The invisible race
What I call the invisible race is a collective and cosmic activity undertaken by a certain number of beings on the material plane, in conditions of creative expression of the cosmic consciousness in them, attached as it is, to certain planes, where these individuals have the power to claim the conquest of time and space.

10 The spirit
The spirit is not only a philosophical conception, but the spirit is also a reality coordinated with the activities of man and which generates in his intelligence a self-sufficiency, that is to say a power to understand his own evolution, his purpose and the future that develops before him.

11 Universal circuits
Any man in contact with the invisible, or in contact with a level of intelligence that is supra-human, must first understand and deeply understand that the primary purpose of these intelligences is not to serve man, but to bring him to a sufficiently high vibration level to possibly enter into creative communication with him.

12 Yeti materialization
What some have called the Yeti or snowman, is a phenomenon of materialization that results from the temporary penetration of certain forms of intelligent life, which exist and evolve on invisible planes of our planet, and which have the power to penetrate, from time to time, in human space-time.

13 Divination
Every form of divination, every object of divination, has a hidden power that allows man to communicate with the memory of his past, so that the forces contained in that memory can easily flow into his spirit and nourish it.

14 Questions and answers, toughts
The more man realizes that he is not the one who thinks, the more he realizes that even questions and even answers come to him from elsewhere.

15 The AntiChrist
The phenomenon of the antichrist … brings man to a fundamental question concerning the future of humanity and the circumstances that will allow man to overcome the influence of the forces of evil on his planet, or to perish with it.

16 Form of revelation
Great veils will cover the consciousness of man and great revelations will be made to him within the framework of his primitive spiritual psychology. And man, precisely because of his primitive psychology, will easily be made vulnerable to any revelation whose spiritual character will benefit the ego or the personality.

17 The death of the old ego
Man, the individual, is obliged to live an uncertain period, until the moment when certainty takes hold in him, not because he has seen, but because he has felt or heard, in himself, the truth of the experience that leads to the other dimension of material reality. It is here that the choice is made, that is, the sharing is made between men.

18 Discernment
Discernment corresponds to a high faculty of the spirit of man, and its power is only acquired when man has finally realized that he is not on the material plane to suffer, but that he suffers because of his ignorance of the laws of the spirit.

19 Centrism and egocentrism
A centric being, a conscious being, a being who realizes in him the pulsation of this intelligent consciousness and this consciousness which equalizes the relationships between men by virtue of the universal law of man, allows the individual to fully realize himself in his internal power, while fully respecting the power, the capacity for realization of others around him.

20 The new man
It will be possible for man to become, once and for all, independent of all forms of personal thought in order to be able to receive, direct, instruct, in a mode of creativity free of all subjective, imperfect forms, linked to the blind personality of the human senses.

23 Being single or in couple
Men [and women] are not brought together to reduce the quality of their lives, but to increase this quality and make it greater during their common experience. If this is not so, for whatever reason, and they persist in making their lives difficult, monotonous, it is better for them to live alone than to live together.

35 Karma, the law of return
It is necessary for Man to understand that intelligence is the only force in him that can free him from the law of return. The law of return must be abolished on the planet, because it delays the evolution of Man and civilization.

36 Identity, the cornerstone of Man
The overmind being begins to realize the identity problem. He sees that what he is, still is a little bit what he was. But he also sees that as his subtle bodies change, his consciousness grows and the identity problem slowly disappears, on the surface of what was once the unconscious ego.

38 Madness, through astral influences
Whatever the nature of madness, its principle is always the same: the mental and emotional weakening of Man. It is only by opening up the real intelligence of Man that this drama can be brought to an end.

61 The real Man, the unique being
Man is a unique being. Not because he believes he is, not because he feels he is because of the faculties he has developed during the involution, but because he must be realized in his light.

63 Life after death
For centuries, people have wondered about death. It has always defied the human imagination and even today Man still philosophically discusses his reality.

64 Vampirism of the unconscious man
Human unconsciousness does not allow some people to realize that they are vampirising their loved ones.

66 The descent of the spirit
The descent of the mind is equivalent to a change of mind. That is to say, to a reversal of ideas that suit the planetary spirit of Man, in favour of the universal spirit of Man.

67 Human feeling
Human feeling is the profound expression of the power of the soul over Man. This power of the soul occurs at such a frequency that the real intelligence of Man, his mind, gradually loses contact with the ego.

69 Mutual respect
Men who will be aware over the next generations and who will work in a global life plan will have to understand the fundamental importance of mutual respect.

70 The science of intelligence
Intelligence is a science and not just a mental experience. At what level and under what conditions of consciousness does intelligence become a science?

72 The symbol
The symbol, in its basic structure, allows Man to understand certain things, that is, to realize them through the lower part of his mind. But it prevents Man from dissociating himself from the emotion of what he understands.

74 Criticism
Men easily criticize Men because they are unaware of their creative intelligence. They are only aware of their selfish intelligence.

76 Man’s occult principles
The exploration or further study of Man leads us to observe that he is constructed, or the product of the arrangement of a certain number of principles or active and dynamic forces that compose and decompose him, according to the stage of his experience.

80 Survivors and instruction
The psychological preparation of Man, as proposed by instruction, is not a simple way of becoming self-aware. It goes much further in time, because it eventually shows Man how to protect himself from the disintegrating forces of the last human civilization as we know it.

84 The loneliness of initiation
This solitude, which can be called solitude of spirit, predisposes man to rely more and more on himself, to live more and more on his own energies, instead of on the energies of those around him, as was the case during his unconscious life.

85 The words, versus spirit
If Man was conscious, he would be conscious of words and then he would realize that words only have the function of feeding the speaker and the listener.

155 Mastering emotionality
Emotional mastery is the ability of human beings to introduce into their consciousness an element of instant intelligence that neutralises an emotion that would otherwise take control of their consciousness.

253 The origin of thought
Thought comes from several planes… meaning thought in itself constitutes for Man the different levels of his consciousness. But ultimately, it comes from a universal plane, meaning it comes from a world where mentality, meaning the mind, colludes with the ego without the ego realising it.

Audio playlist Preparatory communication

read by an artificial voice (AI)

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